Wednesday, October 28, 2015

First of Day of Running with an Awesome App Called Runmore C25K Trainer - Day 18

I started off today super congested and my stomach was a little queasy. I thought, no way am I going to accomplish anything today. So I made breakfast from my leftovers and added an egg. This just made things worse! I think I had a mild allergic reaction to my dinner last night, which as delicious as it was, it did not agree with me. It was either the farro or the short ribs, I'm guessing both since I haven't had red meat since I started my journey and I have a wheat sensitivity (I didn't know farro was not gluten-free, I should always ask!). What is Farro? After taking Claritin D, some Advil, drinking lots of water, and resting for a few hours, I felt so much better.
leftovers plus an egg...tasted so good, but not good for me :-(

By evening on this day, Sunday 10.25.15 day 18 of my healthy journey, I decided to try this new app
Runmore C25K. It's so simple to use and a great design. You can play your music on your phone and Runmore will lower the volume of your music and announce what you do next, "Walk for 90 seconds", "Run for 60 sixty seconds) then return to the original volume level. I love not having to look at my phone to know what to do next. Sometimes, I veg out when I'm walking, so it's great to hear a very nice voice tell me, hey get your butt moving now! Surprisingly, I was able to complete all the running (right now it's a slow jog for me) which was 8 minutes out of a 30-minute session. After my workout, I ate two favorite fruit, well that and avocado.

I ate a late dinner, well since my sleep is still screwy it's really not that late, I stayed up past midnight. Tonight's dinner was brown jasmine rice and Chicken Adobo sa Gata chicken adobo-sa-gata recipe I modified a lot though and just used 1/2 c of coconut milk from a can, added tomatoes, and cilantro. I don't really like fish sauce enough to buy a bottle of it even though it's cheap, so it was omitted. 

I'm starting to get a hang of making healthier food choices; it's probably the most challenging part of this process for me. As a young child/teenager, I was pretty active, I played tennis, swam, went downhill skiing, roller skated (yes, I'm that old, lol), ice skated, played basketball (not very well though), and I took ballet, tap, jazz, and modern dance, so working out is not the hardest part to do physically. The challenge is mental, getting myself motivated, staying  focused, persistence is not my strong suit. I can usually sustain a workout regime for two to three months, then I just shut down and become my same old lethargic self again. 

I've mentioned it before, but one of the reasons I started blogging was to help hold myself accountable. I realize that may sound crazy to some of you, but I've been battling with weight issues for over two decades and have tried numerous ways to lose weight. Some worked, but only short term, so I had this great idea to start blogging about my journey even though I'm pretty green at blogging. So, that's it for tonight, I'm still staying up way too late and on Tuesdays blog post you'll know why. Have a wonderful day and make healthy choices!

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