Friday, October 23, 2015

I'm Still Not Drinking Enough Water on a Daily Basis, Especially When Taking Pics at Open House Chicago - Day 11

Well good morning or late night, your choice. ;-) So I talked a little about water intake yesterday and how it's difficult for me to drink a lot of water when I drink other beverages like coffee, tea, protein shakes, etc. Also having to use public restrooms is a logistics nightmare. I work from home now 100% or a cafe, but if I'm out and about drinking all this water, I find it hard to find acceptable facilities where I don't have to purchase something to use the restroom. I'm doing all this complaining and then I read more about what water does for our bodies. I found two articles that basically shut down all my excuses! drinking more watermyths about water

Cloud Gate AKA "The Bean" in Chicago's Millenium Park
King Arthur's Court in the Hotel Intercontinental 

So this is the post for Sunday 10.18.15 day 11 of my journey. I went all over downtown Chicago visiting really awesome architecture for Open House Chicago #OHC2015 and took some amazing photos (well as amazing as my little point and shoot will let me).
One of my favorite buildings 35 E Wacker Drive
Graffiti art stairway at Tokyo Freehand Hotel

Top of the Wrigley Building
The Aqua Building
We (my friend Tanya and I) had a few healthy options for lunch; Protein Bar won our money. This is the Baja Chicken Salad, I thought about not getting the blue corn chips, but I was really hungry. We ate late around 2:30.

Breakfast was gluten-free cereal from Trader Joe's and almond milk. I'm pretty sure I have to give up this cereal, it's high in sugar.

Dinner was leftover gluten-free pasta with ground turkey.

This was a fun filled day, I really love taking pics, especially of architecture and flowers. I almost made my step goal (12K) I got over 10K steps on my Fitbit. Well,  I am out for the count. Have a great morning and healthy day!

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